Okay. Let's get back to identifying why we get angry with God. I think the reason we get bogged down in frustration, disappointment, and anger toward God is because we've been listening to, and agreeing with, the enemy of our souls. The truth is, God does not fail us. He is good. He loves us with perfect agape love. His plans for us are good. He does not throw defeat on us. It is God's will that we prosper, walk in victory, and conquer every battle.
I know there are times when it looks like God lets us down. There are times it feels like that, but it's not that. When we start believing those things, it's because we have listened to and accepted lies from hell. Remember we talked about the serpent and Eve in the garden of Eden? Satan got Eve to believe that God was holding out on her, that He was keeping something from her, and she acted on that false belief system, which ultimately separated her from God.
It is satan's ultimate goal to get us discontent with God. If he can get us to doubt God and believe his lies instead, he's got us. And the longer we stay there, the more time he has to pump our hearts and minds full of negativity. So we sit there, at the crossroads, looking back and forth between two directions, trying to decide if God is really who He says He is, this God of love and grace and peace and joy and miracles. We aren't feeling any of that, because we're disconnected from Him, trying to do things on our own, the result of coming into agreement with the one who hates God and is working day and night to get us there too.
The thing about deception is that when you are under it, you don't realize you are being deceived. It takes someone pointing it out to us, rousing us from the fog and the haze and the funk. We can't always put our finger on what's wrong, we just know we don't feel good, don't feel right. Maybe we are less interested in prayer and a little more comfortable with sin. I want to help rouse you out from under the deception that God is the bad guy here.
I am an artist, and therefore very visual. God made me that way and He speaks to me that way. Here's how I see it. Satan knows our weaknesses, and he will take every opportunity to whisper untruth to us. Imagine a slippery, slimy snake, crawling up your leg, across your back, and onto your shoulder. Every time he speaks "God cares about every one but you" or "He let you down" or "He caused this pain in your life", and we hear him and agree with him, it's like giving that slimy snake a slimy kiss and patting him on his slimy head. Every time you entertain a negative, disheartened, discouraged, distrusting thought, I want you to see this....
You are kissing a @&#% snake!
So, your next assignment. Realize that you have harbored doubt against God, which is the sin of unbelief. Ask God to forgive you for sinning against Him this way. Yes, it's humbling to admit you have come into a partnership with a snake, but once you repent you will feel so much better.
God is standing right beside you, ready and willing to forgive you, heal you, and loosen your feet from that stuck place.
I'll be back. Keep reading James. Don't kiss snakes.
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