Thursday, April 23, 2009


I'm still here! Isaac caught a cold and I've been busy nursing a grumpy and feverish child back to health. Better today.

Bo was admitted to the Veteran's hospital in Richmond. He's been there since Monday and will stay for two weeks. I spoke with Bo's case manager and it sounds like they have a really awesome program there. They are one of four hospitals in the country that treat "poly trauma". They diagnose and recommend treatment for head injuries, from mild injuries sustained in car crashes to severe trauma resulting in comas. They get most of the blast injuries from Iraq. Bo's doctor said they've seen his kind of injury and know what to do to help him. He's been undergoing more tests (MRIs, blood tests, some kind of weird machine that checks balance problems...) and he'll start treatment that will specifically help with his symptoms. There will be physical and occupational therapy, cognitive therapy, counseling, etc. We should know more about his assessment today or tomorrow after all his doctors and therapists have met to discuss his brain. At the end of the two weeks, he'll be discharged back to Ft. Lee with a treatment plan. It will be up to the military to decide what to do with him then. Medical discharge is back on the table, but won't be determined until he completes his stay at the VA.

Bo says the hospital is nice and laid-back. It's a closed unit, and he has a private room. There's also Internet access so he's been catching up with my blog posts and shedding tears when he sees pictures of his babies.

The boys and I hope to travel to Virginia to visit him, but Joshua's work schedule is not flexible and is posing a challenge to all of us going. I don't want to make that long of a journey without another driver.

I miss Bo and want to see him, but am thankful that he is finally getting the medical care he needs. The case manager says that he's receiving treatment while he's still in the healing phase, and that's a good thing.

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