Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Four Weeks!

I'm thirty-six weeks pregnant and my daily thoughts are on my impending labor and delivery. Bo and I went to the hospital last week (Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital) to tour the labor unit and ask all our questions. Although I've been with my friends who've delivered there and photographed births, it's different when it's your own! Finding out more about the hospital routines and birth options have helped me feel more prepared. Bo will bring his laptop when we go to have Isaac and we'll post news and photos from the hospital if we can get Wi-Fi.
I plan to labor at home as long as I can, using relaxation techniques, prayer, and scripture like I did with Noah. I read a book written by a midwife which suggested such "comfort measures" as arm wrestling and mooing like a cow. A friend of mine said if I did that at the hospital, I'd quickly get transported to the psyche ward and have to give birth in a straight jacket! Well, we'll see if I can avoid such drastic measures....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to hear you MOO like a cow!!