Thursday, September 6, 2007

Wardrobe Challenges

Okay, I'm wondering....what is the deal with maternity clothes??? First, they don't fit. You're stuck in between regular clothes that are too small, and maternity clothes that are too big. No pants worked for me until about five months, unless I could endure the constant sliding down the hips as the day went on. The new styles fit under the belly, but what if there is no belly yet to hold them up???? Then finally in the second trimester, some relief. Everything fit. Shirts fit, pants fit, of course you need a new bra, everything is growing. Now my current challenge, the last trimester. The clothing I so anxiously waited to fill out, now is too small! Something is either hanging out of the top or hanging out of the bottom. Being seven months pregnant in a South Georgia heat wave, you kinda don't care what's hanging out, but I do have teenage sons so I try not to embarrass them to smithereens. It seems maternity clothing has a "shelf life" of about eight weeks! Somebody invent a better system!

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