Thursday, January 3, 2008


Isaac loves to snuggle on my chest. He spends time in his bassinet, swing, and bouncy seat, but his favorite place is cuddled up against me. He will sleep for hours if I hold him, but wake up if I lay him down. It occurred to me that he needs this connection. He was very close to me, actually inside of me, for nine months and he is used to the close contact, sound of my heartbeat, and my touch and smell. My friend Heather loaned me her baby sling and he loves being carried around in that. I love it too, because I can look down and see him all scrunched up and it shows me what he must have looked like inside my belly. I've heard that a baby's first three months are the "fourth trimester"; a time that ideally would be best spend still in the womb, but since baby's heads are big and mother's pelvises are small the baby comes sooner. Recreating a womb-like environment is recommended and helps the newborn adjust to life outside of mom. So, I hold my baby, I swaddle him, I rock him, I cradle him against my chest. I speak to him and sing to him and pray over him. I wear him around the house. He needs me. We are bonding. I love it.

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