Sunday, November 16, 2008

The boys and I got to speak to Bo tonight, the first phone call in seven days, but thankful to receive any since he's still in Red Phase and not supposed to call at all. He has a cold. He sounded terrible! It's very cold there at night and they've been doing drills in 60mph winds. Yikes! I would not like that at all! He asked us to pray for his lower back which is causing him a lot of pain. This week he has a physical training test and the gas chamber experience. I understand that the tear gas chemicals totally drain the sinuses (as in uncontrollably!). Maybe that will help his cold :) He asked for cold medicines which his mom is sending (thanks Marilyn!) and pictures of the boys and I. Thank you to all of you who have written to him. He said they've gotten mail once, so probably the next mail call will bring him a ton of letters all at one time! I met an army guy yesterday who said he wouldn't get mail for five days, then get six letters at once that the drill instructor threw across the room and made him to push-ups for. Wonderful.

All is well here. I am finally returning to my peace after a stressful week. Watching old worship dance videos has helped me relax. Here's one from 2000.....

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