Saturday, November 15, 2008


My sweet daily blog checking friend Stephanie reminded me yesterday that I haven't updated in a few days. I haven't had the mental energy, I am recovering from a horrendous week! One catastrophe after another. Plumbing problems, kid problems, bad news, financial delays, injuries..... Thursday I bounced from one ordeal to another. I heard this saying that night "if you don't heal today, you will heal tomorrow" and felt the Spirit of the Lord all over me. Friday was better (the water is back on! how do people live without running water????) and I am trusting God with everything that has caused me stress and frustration.

So, Steph, here's a tiny tidbit for my post today. A Noah saying from dinner last night.....

"Mom, I think I'm allergic to tomatoes. They give my mouth paper cuts."

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