Friday, May 25, 2007

Where Is God?

More excerpts from "Dancin' Toward The Dawn". In the chapter "Where Is God?", Tim says......
"Our God remains a hidden God,
but in prayer we discover
that we have what we seek."
-Brennan Manning
Many of us are drowning in our own emptiness, not realizing that this is a very invitation to be filled by an ever-present God, a God who loves us more than we will ever understand or experience. But a loneliness which is not fully embraced and experienced will break you and haunt you. Trying to avoid it only makes it more powerful. Loneliness makes us feel that things are all wrong, when they may be all right. Through conversation (prayer) and presence (solitude) we can turn loneliness into something powerful. Loneliness is not a time of just feels that way. It's actually a time of encounter at new levels with the only One who can fill that empty place in our hearts.
"Delight yourselves in the Lord, yes, find your joy in Him
at all times. Have a reputation for being reasonable,
and never forget the nearness of your Lord. Don't worry
over anything whatever; whenever you pray tell God
every detail of your needs in thankful prayer,
and the peace of God, which surpasses human
understanding, will keep constant guard over
your hearts and minds as they rest in Christ Jesus.
I have learned to be content,
whatever the circumstances may be."
Phil. 4:4-7,12

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