Friday, December 14, 2007


The last hour of Isaac's labor was definitely the hardest. I'd been "stuck" at 8cm for awhile, maybe an hour or so, not really sure of how long. Dr. Talley asked to break my water and I agreed, thinking it would speed things up. It did, and I began having contractions close together and lasting longer. Bo and Joshua struggled seeing me in pain, but everyone encouraged me and we made it through. Heather and Stephanie never left me, they prayed and massaged and helped me change positions. I never considered an epidural, not that I'm against them, in fact, my screams probably convinced all the other laboring women in the unit to get theirs! I just preferred to rely on God's strength to help me manage the pain, and birthing a baby naturally is a very fulfilling and empowering experience. I also was passionate about avoiding a cesarean section, and reducing intervention can help reduce the chance of surgery.

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