Thursday, April 24, 2008

God is good and the cat is naughty

I have to give God praise.

Yesterday morning I was headed out the door to bible study (on time, no less!), when I realized my car keys were missing. I dumped out my purse and racked my brain trying to think why they weren't there. I looked everywhere I thought they could be. I'd brought in groceries the night before so it occurred to me that maybe I'd left them in the kitchen. I checked the hutch, the island, the kitchen counters. But no. No keys. No expensive Ford Explorer keys that have to be purchased through the dealership because they have an anti-theft chip to prevent duplication. Ahhh!!!! After searching the house and the car for half and hour or so, I called Bo and he left work to bring me his set of keys so I could go to the study. When I returned home, the hunt continued until I got too frustrated to continue. I prayed about finding them, and sat down in the recliner to rest. I turned on the TV and while watching a local preacher, God spoke to my spirit, "Judah knocked them into the trash". I got up from the chair, dug out half the kitchen trash, and went right to them. Praise God! I give glory to the One who knows where all things are!!!! Our boy cat, Judah, lays on the kitchen island and sprawls out, knocking stuff off. The trash can is right beside the island so......

Thank you God! And thank you Bo for not taking out the trash; this time it was okay. :)

The culprit.
He's spending today outside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my word.

i almost asked you if you had prayed yet, i know God often shows me where things are that we've lost- things that we would never ever find otherwise. praise God that you found them. what a relief! :)