Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Wilderness

This is the book I've been reading. It talks about the blessing of "wilderness experiences". Here are some of the author's thoughts....

Wilderness experiences are biblical. Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David, Elijah, Jesus and Paul experienced them. The wilderness -whether external or interal- is always a time of radical dependance upon God, a time of preparation for a promise, and a place of great adventure. It has a gift hidden within. We can enjoy the inner wilderness; we don't need to avoid the painful experiences in life. Surrendering to them means feeling new feelings, experiencing God, making real contact, and letting your heart be thrashed and rearranged if necessary.

I like this writer's perspective. He writes from experience which makes his words more valid. He was an avid outdoorsmen until he suffered a rock climbing accident, which led to years of chronic pain, stress, divorce and his own spiritual wilderness. We will all experience times of crisis and wilderness; I want to know there is a treasure at the end of it!

"There is no shortcut to wholeness: if you
want to reach the Promised Land you must
first go through the wilderness."
-Clifton Burke

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey sweet girl!
This is EXACTLY what I needed today! You are in my prayers A LOT!!!
love you!